Common Questions

These are some of our more commonly asked questions.  If you have a question about Refine, our process, what to expect, or our clinicians that is not answered here, please do not hesitate to connect with us here.

Our fees are set by the current Psychologists' Association of Alberta (PAA ) "Recommended Fee Schedule", which sets a 50 minute therapy session, individual/couple/family at $200 (10 minutes at the end of every hour is reserved for file review). Group Therapy is $60 per person for a 60 minute session. Sliding scales sessions are offered on a case-by-case basis and are discussed with your assigned clinician.

Research shows that regular sessions, at least initially, lead to a better outcome. Many clients like to attend weekly/biweekly session; however, factors such as time and finances need to be considered. Your psychologist will work with you to determine the best schedule to meet your needs.

A psychologist has post-graduate training (a doctoral or masters degree) in assessing, diagnosing and/or treating a range of emotional, behavioural, cognitive and relationship problems. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who has completed a residency in psychiatry. A psychiatrist has further training in the medical management of psychiatric disorders, and is able to prescribe medications.

Although clients are sometimes referred by physicians or insurance companies, you can also self-refer. Connect with us through phone or email to start the process.

Every client is different. It is common for clients to experience significant relief after only a few sessions. However, often clients come to therapy to deal with problems that have developed over the course of many years, or even decades. These types of concerns can take longer to work through. Together we will work to refine and accomplish your goals, and, ultimately, you get to decide how long you come to therapy for.

Many benefits providers will cover some or all of your sessions. Please check with your provider directly to determine your eligibility. We offer direct billing for certain providers.

Typically the first session is used to obtain relevant information and determine therapeutic fit. This “fit” is of utmost importance to maximize the benefits of the therapeutic process.

The first session sets the tone for collaboration. The therapist’s focus is to gain insight into who you are and how you operate. Your focus is to reflect on your comfort level, and if we are the right fit for you. You can expect the therapist to ask questions about your concerns, your life experiences, family history, your strengths, and your supports. They will also ask questions about your feelings. You will also spend some time discussing your goals, and what you would like to accomplish by attending therapy.

Although we see value in meeting in person, online and phone sessions are available for residents of Alberta. This is especially useful during the Covid-19 pandemic, for clients who prefer to do therapy from the comfort of their own home, for people who live in remote locations, and/or for those with mobility restrictions. Online sessions require clients to have access to a device (tablet, computer, smart phone) with a camera and microphone.

Both the terms “registered provisional psychologist" and “registered psychologist" are legally restricted terms in Alberta.  This means that individuals must be approved by the College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP) to use these titles. A provisional psychologist is in the process of becoming fully registered.
For one to register as a provisional psychologist, they must have completed at least a Master’s Degree in psychology (or a related field). As part of their Master’s Degree program, they will have completed at minimum one practicum with 200-600 hours of supervised direct client contact.
The CAP reviews each applicants’ transcripts and considers whether the applicant has sufficient knowledge of mental health practices (intervention, client care, ethics); has obtained a clear police record check, and has proof of liability insurance.
A provisional psychologist must be supervised by a registered psychologist with considerable experience. Provisional Psychologists consult regularly with their supervisor to review case files and discuss the best course of action for providing therapy. This supervision may also be live (supervisor is present for sessions with the client); via observation (either through a one-way mirror or video feed); or through video or audio recordings. In Alberta, Provisional Psychologists complete 1600 hours of supervised work prior to becoming fully registered. This process generally takes 1-2 years.
In addition, Provisional Psychologists are required to pass the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) and demonstrate their knowledge and proficiency in the field of psychology.
Many insurance plans cover the services of a registered provisional psychologist. However, some plans do require services to be provided by registered psychologists in order to be eligible for reimbursement. If you are planning to submit your receipts for reimbursement to your insurer, we strongly encourage you to contact your insurer prior to your first session, to confirm that your specific plan covers the services of a registered provisional psychologist. The session fee of a registered provisional psychologist at Refine Psychological is lower than that of a registered psychologist ($150/50 min session rather than $200/50 min session).
A registered psychologist has completed the  1600 supervised hours, passed all licensing exams, and has been assessed by the College of Alberta Psychologists as fit to practice unsupervised.

Please do not hesitate to connect with us if you have questions.