Refining is a process of focussing

Let us support you in focussing your energy and moving toward fulfillment, in a way that is meaningful to you.

Who We Are

Refine Psychological is a group of skilled clinicians passionate about supporting individuals, couples and families using a multitude of effective and research based therapeutic modalities.  Every member of our team is committed to their own process of refinement; actively pursuing opportunities to train, learn, and finely tune their therapeutic skills. There are many reasons behind seeking out therapy and many ways therapy can offer a sense of direction, relief and satisfaction. We at Refine Psychological are confident in our ability to support our clients as they shift and move toward their chosen outcomes.

Our Therapeutic Process

It is imperative that you feel a sense of comfort and chemistry with your psychologist. This sets the stage for a healthy therapeutic relationship, and it is within this relationship, where the real magic happens. 

Once the therapeutic relationship is established, we get to work.  This work is client centred and collaborative.  Your voice is always heard, and is always valued.

Sometimes therapy begins with a concrete goal in mind, and once that goal is achieved there is a natural ending to the process.  Often times goals shift and change along the road and if clients continue to see the value in processing past and present experiences in a safe and compassionate setting, the journey continues.

We look forward to connecting with you, and wish you well until we do.