Family Therapy

At Refine we take a holistic approach to family work.

We start from a place of exploring how our early experiences within the family system shape our current family dynamics. We see our role as creating a safe environment, supporting the articulation of needs and fostering understanding among all participants.  Our goal is to compassionately expand your current experiences with one another and offer alternative paths toward your desired destination. 

Family work is flexible and dynamic and requires a skilled clinician to pivot and shift with the presentation in session.  At Refine we take this role seriously. We offer attentive and thorough therapeutic services designed to support you where you are at right now and where you intend to go.

How does family therapy work?

Family work can be set up in multiple ways.

Often, sessions involve individual work to allow for your therapist to better understand each members experiences.  Sometimes there is dyad work, where two family members come in for sessions to address and/process specific activating events in addition to the entire family attending sessions.

Please do not hesitate to connect with us if you have questions.

Possible Reasons to Seek out Family Therapy

  • Parental separation or divorce
  • Grief and loss
  • Historical trauma
  • Relationship wounds
  • Reconnection
  • Strengthening communication
  • Emotional reactivity cycles
  • Desire for healthier connections
  • Deepening understanding of each other's experiences